Assistants are a valuable asset to Commercial real estate firms. Assisting with
marketing materials, property research and Prospecting are some of the important
activities that occupy their time. Whether family members are recruited to
assist sole practitioners, or as a small firm grows, administrative staff are
added to free up some of a Brokers time, where should the focus be to maximize
value to the agents they serve?
Technology has evolved to make all of these functions easier, but where is the
greatest return on that investment? The answer is that there are some things
that can be automated and some things that you simply cannot. Many firms spend
hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month automating listing management on
their website and listing flyer creation, when this has actually become very
inexpensive to do. For example, RealtyZapp includes both of these tools for
free when a broker or agent markets all of their listings to the public for as
low as $45 a month.
True value-add from an administrative assistant comes from research that drives
deal velocity. For example, an assistant could load public record information
how about a Target listing into RealtyZapp, and when the broker arrives at the
listing appointment early enough to take some photos and convert the draft
listing to live, the marketing materials as well as the prospect's listing
showing on the Brokers website and social media will already be complete as
they speak to the owner about how Proactive their firm is.
Another administrative activity that could actually drive revenue is
researching the prime prospects for particular listings based on target
verticals that the broker and owner identify. We recently had a client who
hired a college intern to catalog all businesses in their market and code them
by industry so that through RealtyZapp's e-mail campaign builder, they can
target them directly with relevant opportunities for growth or relocation
rather than passively hoping someone sees their sign or relying on other
brokers who may at that time be working with a prospect of that type. Proactive
direct marketing helps win both sides of more deals.
With the advent of free online tools that could replace the more costly tools
you may currently be using, you could shift that budget to create a retargeting
campaign that would boost market share like you wouldn't believe. Top
residential agents have already identified this as their number one lead
generation investment and are leveraging it to increase their client base.
Commercial agents however have been slow to adopt this strategy, which could
prove much more lucrative. And again, this would be a much more productive use
of an administrative assistant's time.
free to contact RealtyZapp on how to increase deal velocity through a number of
free or dirt-cheap methods to help you market smarter.
Over the past 5 years, RealtyZapp has been helping brokers
become more pro-active in their marketing and increase their income by
streamlining their process while improving engagement and follow up.
For more tips on how to improve your firm’s marketing
efforts, join our monthly CRE marketing call for insight from the industry’s
most talented Commercial Real Estate Marketing Professionals.