

My Account
See your account's important information regarding status and purchase history. You can also manage your account's password.

My Subscription

All registered user accounts have a subscription level. Subscription levels include Registered User, Agent, Power Agent, and Super Agent. Some subscriptions are Paid Subscriptions i.e. Power Agent and Super Agent.

Your subscription level will be displayed and additionally for paid subscriptions, the expiration date will be displayed. Subscription Renew and/or Upgrade options will be provided when applicable.

My Purchases

Purchases can include Free Trials, Paid Subscriptions, Account Adjustments, Refunds, etc. Any/all of your purchases will be listed here. You can click on one to display its details and optionally, print a copy for your records.

Purchases are displayed in order of newest at the top. A purchase typically carries a Expire date and the newest purchase typically represents your subscription's Expire date. The list shows a friendly representation of the Expire date, hover over the Expires date to see its actual date.

My Password

You can reset your password if need be.

You must enter your current password.
Enter your new password.
Confirm your new password.
Click on the Reset button.
You will see success or a failure message.
If you cannot remember your current password then go to the Login page and invoke the Forgot Password feature.

Need More Help

If you need assistance with or have a question regarding your account, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Can I Upgrade My Subscription?

YES. You can upgrade from AGENT to either POWER AGENT Or SUPER AGENT at any time. You can upgrade from POWER AGENT to SUPER AGENT at any time.

When you upgrade from POWER AGENT to SUPER AGENT, any remain subscription days will be prorated 2 for 1. For example, if you had 15 days remaining, those 15 POWER AGENT days will be converted as 15/2=7.5 rounded up to 8 SUPER AGENT days. Plus, there might be more days/weeks added in there as a upgrade bonus.

Can I Downgrade My Subscription?

YES you can downgrade fom SUPER AGENT to POWER AGENT but you have to contact us to facilitate a downgrade as it is more complicated and we want to get it right.

My Subscription Expired

If your subscription does expire, your account will gracefully revert to an AGENT account. All of your data will remain intact. Your subscription features will become unavailable. For example, if your SUPER AGENT subscription expires, features like Blasts will not be available and your scheduled Blast emails will not be sent out. You can purchase a subscription at any time to restore your features.

If your subscription expired, you can purchase a subscription of the same or you can upgrade, but you cannot downgrade. For example, if your SUPER AGENT subscription expired, you can purchase another SUPER AGENT subscription, you cannot purchase a POWER AGENT subscription, as that would be considered a downgrade.

I purchased a POWER AGENT subscription but I really wanted a SUPER AGENT subscription

Within the first 7 days you can change a POWE AGENT subscription to a SUPER AGENT subscription. Your remaining POWER AGENT subscription days will be prorated 2 for 1. There is no cost involved with this change. For example, let us say you just purchased a 3 month POWER AGENT subscription 4 days ago meaning you have 90 - 4 = 86 days remaining. Now you change it to a SUPER AGENT subscription. You will end up with 86 / 2 = 43 days remaining on your newly converted SUPER AGENT subscription.

After the first 7 days, you will need to purchase a SUPER AGENT subscription upgrade. Again, your remaining POWER AGENT subscription days will prorated 2 for 1 and then added onto the SUPER AGENT subscription days. For example, let us say you have 30 days of your POWER AGENT subscription remaining and you purchase a 3 month SUPER AGENT subscription upgrade. You will end up with 3 months + 15 days.

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