

Manage all of your Contacts in one place
Your RealtyZapp subscription affords you with game changing contact management and email broadcast. You supply the contacts and then let RealtyZapp show you just how great your professional communications can be.

Add Contacts

You can add one or more contacts at once using this tool. Let us first learn how to add contacts including only an email address or just a few columns.

In the textbox, type in one contact email address per line. You can copy and paste the records into the textbox from another source. When you have entered all of the contacts, just check the promise and tap on the Add button.

Optionally, you can include the contact's name and some tags using the format shown below.

Info;name1;tag1,tag2, ...;name2;tag1,tag2, ...;namne3;tag1,tag2, ...


the semi-colon (;) separates email; name; tags and the comma (,) separates multiple tags.

For example...

Info;John Smith;Commercial,Office,Hot;Jane Doe;Commercial,Warm;John Q Public;Commercial

You can substitute a [tab] instead of the semicolon (;) e.g. copy/paste from MS Excel. However, you must still separate tags with a comma (,).

Optionally, you can append one or more additional Tags to the contacts using the add tags... box. See below for more about Tags.

Want to add more columns? See the EZ Import section below.

Contact Columns

Let us look at few of the important columns.

  • On/Off - a contact record is either turned on or off. You have full control of turning on or off contacts. What is the purpose of On/Off? The answer is a simple one. If On then email blasts will be sent and if Off then no Blast emails will be sent. Again, you get to turn On and Off as you wish.
  • Email - pretty self explanatory. Email address is required. Can be changed, but only if the owner has not Opt Out of your emails. Email must be unique meaning that you cannot have two contacts with the same email.
  • Name - optionally, you can give each contact a name. This name is for display purposes only, it won't be used anywhere else.
  • Tags - very useful, second only to the email address. Tags can be used to qualify, flag, categorize, group, etc. You can search and filter by Tags. You can add/remove tags on a per contact basis or in bulk using the  tool.
    • should be one word but can be multiple words if you must
    • alpha-numeric characters only a-z,A-Z,0-9 so no funny characters please
    • case insensitive so don't try to add both Tag1 and tag1
    • when entering tags, the [Enter], semi-colon, and comma keys are special characters that act like separators and will result in multiple tags
  • Opt Out - indicates that the person has Opt Out of your contact list and when they did it. No email blasts from you will ever be sent to that email address. You cannot get around this, you cannot change or delete the email address. This safeguard is for everyone's benefit. At any point, the person can opt back into you list. They need only to revisit the unsubscribe link of any past email blast and choose to opt back into your list.
  • Created - this indicates when the contact record was created.
  • Modified - this indicates when the contact record was last modified.

Edit a Contact

Once a contact record has been created, you may have a need to edit its information. You can edit a contact's Name, EmailTags and On/Off right in the table row.

You do not have to save your changes, changes are saved automagically. You will see notifications at the top right of the page as your changes are saved.

Click on the > at the far right to toggle the contact's details showing many more fields of information. See the EZ CRM section below.

Selecting Contacts

You can perform actions on one or more contacts by selecting them. To select/deselect a contact, click on the checkbox in the first column. You can select contacts using any combination of [shift]-click and [ctrl]-click.

As you select contacts, you will notice that the select button indicates how many records you have selected. The select button dropdown has several options to work with selected contacts. You can select/un-select all, turn on/off, +/- tags, and trash. See below for more information on each of these options.

Turn On/Off Contacts

You can use these options to toggle On/Off all of the selected contacts.

Tags +/-

You can use this option to add or remove tags from the selected contacts. Enter one or more tags and then click on either the add or remove button.

Trash Contacts

On occasion, you may want to trash (delete) one or more contacts. Then tap on  selected. Then confirm by tapping on Yes. Once you tap on Yes, the contact records will be permanently deleted*.

* the exception being any contact that has opt out of your contact list. These cannot ever be deleted (unless they opt back in). This rule is for everyone's benefit.

Search and  Filter

Search works like any other search tool, it will do a simple "contains" search of your contact's email, name and tags. The Filter tool dropdown has more tools to help you pinpoint your contacts.

  •  opt out... you can choose to filter yes, no, or any/all. Typically, you would sort by opt out if you choose yes.
  • on/off... You can choose on or off or any/all. You may want to also sort by on/off.
  • with these tags... and NOT these tags... are powerful tools for filtering using Tags. Below are examples of the possible resulting logical expressions...
    • tag1 or tag2
    • tag1 and tag2
    • (tag1 or tag2) AND NOT tag3
    • (tag1 or tag2) AND NOT (tag3 or tag4)
    • NOT (tag1 and tag2 and tag3)
    • NOT (tag1 or tag2 or tag3)


Pretty simple, just click on the sort icon in the column header. Click the icon again to toggle the sort direction.


You can choose how many contacts to display on each page using the dropdown at the top right of the contact list header. At the bottom right of the contact list are buttons for navigating through the pages.


You can download your contact data to a CSV file which can be opened using a prgram like Microsoft Excel. The download feature works on selected records so first select one or more contact records and then click the download button.


You can generate a printed version of your contacts. The print feature works on selected records so first select one or more contact records and then click the print button.


You can create a set of favorite Tags. Tags are one word, can contain upper and lowercase letters and numbers, no spaces or funny characters please. Tags are very crucial to sending email blasts. Use them wisely and to your advantage. Favorite Tags make ease of entering Tags elsewhere.

✨ AIly assisted prospecting emails Super Agent

AIly is RealtyZapp's AI copilot. AIly can help you promote your listings. It's easy, just follow the prompts.
  1. Use the filters and search to narrow down the contact list. Then select (check) some or all of the contacts. 
  2. Click on the ✨ button. 
  3. Add the selected contacts to the prospecting list and either continue or go back and select some more contacts.
  4. Select what type of email you want AIly to send. 
  5. Contine to answer AIly's prompts e.g., selecting one of you listings.
  6. Provide a Subject and date and time to send the email.
  7. Click the Send button.
AIly will create a special Blast job to send a personalized email to each of the selected contacts. When the email is sent, AIly will pop a copy of the email in your Messages. 


Customer Relationship Management a.k.a. CRM does not have to be so big, complicated nor expensive. RealtyZapp affords you a fresh approach to CRM.

As you have probably noticed, there are many more contact fields when you toggle the details to show. To edit one of these fields just click on it, make your changes and when you click out of the field, your changes will automagically save.

  • Greeting - how you would greet or address the person e.g. Mr. Smith or John. Helps you remeber who you can be cordial with.
  • Title - official title e.g. President or Real Estate Broker.
  • Company - name of company e.g ABC Inc.
  • Work - work phone number e.g (123) 456-7890.
  • Mobile - mobile phone number e.g (123) 456-7890.
  • Address - e.g. 123 Something St., Somewhere, ST 12345.
  • Social, Website, Blog - links to these online places e.g.
  • Followup - a follow up date, we'll send you a reminder email (provided your correspondence is not turned off in your privacy settings).
  • Value - the value of this contact's actual or projected business.
  • Percent - the percent of this contact's actual or projected business value e.g. your confidence level. Should be a whole number between 0 and 100.
  • Close Date - date of actual or anticipated close date on some business.
  • Logs - a running log of activities. You can type anything in this box but it is suggested that you put newest stuff at the top. Use the  button to add a datetime stamp to the top of the box.
  • Personal Notes - anything you want to keep track of. It is suggested to put the most important stuff at the top for best visibility. The notes are private meaning for your eyes only.
  • Client Requirements - jot down those things that are important to the client like what kind of property they are looking for. 
  • Messages - shows all of the messages between you and this contact. Some Blast emails are shown here e.g., Blasts that were generated by AIly will be shown here.
  • Share Something - a handy tool for sharing things with your contact. For example, let us say you created a special Scout on the Find page just for this client. Use the drop down to pick the Scout and perhaps some properties that they might be interested in. At a minimum, this would serve as a record for your benefit. But as you can see, the tool is a WYSIWYG editor affording you much more. Provide a Subject and now you have a nice piece of correspondence to send to your client. Click the send email button and we'll send the contact an email on your behalf. You can copy/paste the contents into most email programs and social media posts as long as they allow you paste HTML content.

 Tags are the real key to EZ CRM. Tags can be used for many purposes...

  • Classifying Lead, Prospect, Client, Partner, Lender, etc.
  • Tracking Opportunity and/or Pipeline stages
  • Indicating interest in Commercial, Residential, Office, etc.

See Blasts' help for more information on the use of Tags when sending broadcast emails.

Be sure to check out our community site at for more EZ CRM ideas.


Shows you the contact's activity as a result of your Blasts. Sends, Opens, Clicks and Bad (undeliverable) counts are shown in the chart.

If you don't see any numbers in wow, it probably means you have not executed any Blasts that included this contact.

For more information on interacting with the wow chart, see the Dashboard page's Help.

EZ Import

You already know how to  Add Contacts with a few columns. Well, importing more columns is just about as easy. There are a total of 19 columns you can import using the exact same method.

We provide a MS Excel template file to help you import more columns and larger contact lists. All you have to do is download the template which is located in the   dropdown.

Don't alter the template's format meaning don't add, delete, hide, or rearrange any of the columns.

Fill in the rows. The Email is the only required column. Enter dates as mm/dd/yyyy. Enter numbers without the $ or % symbols and no commas. Avoid tabs [tab] and semicolons (;) in your data.

When you are done entering your data, just copy all of the rows and all 19 columns (A-S). You can include row 1 (header row) if you want, it will just be ignored. Then go back to the  Add Contact and paste the data and proceed just as you learned above.

You can easily add a few thousand contacts at a time using this method but it is advised to do it in smaller chunks.

It is a good idea to tag the contacts with something so you can easily go back and see if they imported as you expected. You can always remove this tag later.

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