It's All About The Property Listings!
RealtyZapp makes managing multiple property listings a snap. Both commercial and residential listings in one system.
Manage all of your Listings in one place with features including...
- Post new commercial and residential listings.
- Import multiple listings using a spreadsheet template.
- Excel like spreadsheet for quick and easy editing.
- Export your listing data to a spreadsheet
Post a new Listing...
Click on either the (building+) or the (house+) button. This will open the Post Listing page where you can enter all of the information for a new Listing. See the Help (?) on the Post Listing page for more information.
EZ-Import multiple Listings...
You can import multiple listings using our EZ Template spreadsheet file. It is suggested that you first create a listing or two using our Post a new Listing method above to get familiar with listings in RealtyZapp. See EZ-Import Tips below. When you are ready to import multiple listings...
- Click on the EZ-Import button. The EZ-Import popup will appear.
- Download a blank EZ Template file (RealtyZappEZTemplate.csv).
- Open the EZ Template file using your favorite spreadsheet app or a text editor.
- The template provides the basic columns for both commercial and residential listings.
- Fill in the spreadsheet for your listings, one listing per row.
- Save you EZTemplate (make sure it is saved as a CSV file).
- Back on the EZ-Import popup, drag-n-drop your EZ Template file onto the drop zone or click the drop zone and pick your file.
- As the file is processed, the indicators will show you progress, warnings and errors. Any messages will appear at the bottom of the page.
- Take note of any warnings and errors. See below for what to do if you get some errors.
- Note that the new listings will be in Draft mode so don't forget to complete each listing's information, add some photos, and publish it Live.
EZ-Edit spreadsheet like editing...
You can actually edit listing information right in the spreadsheet like display on the EZ Listings page. It's not Excel but, its close...
- In place edit almost every column. Just click or d-click on a cell and edit its value. Changes are saved instantly when you exit the cell.
- Sort listings by d-clicking on the column header to toggle between ascending and descending.
- Google like search to filter your listings.
- Copy/paste features make light work of editing multiple listings.
- R-click context menu in cells and headers.
Export your Listing data...
You can export all of your listing data using our EZ Export feature by clicking on the EZ-Export button.
Bulk Update your Listing data...
- Export all your listing data as described above.
- Make changes using your favorite spreadsheet app or text editor. See EZ-Import Tips below for more information about what you can and cannot do.
- Save the file as a CSV format.
- Back in RealtyZapp, click on the EZ-Import button and upload the file.
- As the file is processed, the indicators will show you progress, warnings and errors. Any messages will appear at the bottom of the page.
- Take note of any warnings and errors. See below for what to do if you get some errors.
What if I get some Errors or Warnings while uploading?
When uploading listings, it is common to get some warnings and maybe even some errors. These are usually easy to fix.
Warnings typically mean the record was imported/updated but, there was something that needs your attention. The warning message will provide the record#, listing name, and a description of the issue. Take note of the record# as it points to the row number in spreadsheet. Since the spreadsheet's row#1 is the header, record#1 will equate to row#2.
A common warning pertains to map geocoding a listing's address. You will need to go to listing and correct the address.
An error when importing new listings means that particular listing was NOT imported. Do Not try to reimport the entire spreadsheet again as this will result in duplicate listings. It is better to either...
- Go back to the spreadsheet and remove all successfully imported records. Make any corrections needed to the unsuccessful records. Attempt to re-import. OR
- Manually enter the listings from the Dashboard - Listings page.
An error when updating listings means that particular listing was not updated or only partially updated. You can go back to the spreadsheet, make corrections, and re-import or you can manually edit the listings from the Dashboard - Listings page.
EZ-Import Tips...
The EZ Import feature affords you a lot of power but it comes at the small price of conforming to our data conventions. Your EZ Import success will be much better if you will heed these tips. To become familiar with RealtyZapp listings, visit the Dashboard - Listings page and take a look at the Add new listing page. This will help you understand the EZ Import.
- Do not include formatting i.e., bold, italic, html, etc. Can include line breaks in some text fields e.g., About.
- Header row of the EZ Template spreadsheet (row #1)
- Do not remove the header row.
- Do not alter the header row's column names.
- Do not remove any columns. You can rearrange the columns' order.
- Do not add any columns.
- Bulk Updating existing listings...
- DO NOT alter the contents of the Id column (this is the listings' key).
- If you are copy/pasting or sorting the rows, make sure the Id remains with its respective row of data.
- DO NOT add new rows, use the Import new listings feature for this purpose.
- It is a good idea to remove any/all rows that do not require any changes. This will speed up the upload process.
- If you alter any of the address values of a listing, the geocoding process will fire off which may result in new geocoding warnings. Geocoding will slightly slow down the uploading process.
Noteworthy columns and what to enter (*required)...
- Id* - (only if updating) the unique key for the listing. Do Not alter the header or the row values.
- ListingName* - catchy but brief name for the listing.
- StreetAddress*
- City*
- State*
- Postal*
- County*
- Country* - e.g., USA
- PropertyType*, PropertySubType* (see data enums below)
- PropertyStatus* - Existing | Proposed | Under Construction
- Sale* and/or Lease* - TRUE | FALSE (one or both should be TRUE)
- Price - Sale price ##,###,### (USD, no $ needed)
- SaleType - Investment | Owner User
- SaleCondition (see data enums below)
- MarketDate* - mm/dd/yy
- About* - the listing's story. Keep it short as possible. Do not include any formatting. Only use line breaks if needed for paragraphs.
- Bullets - listing's key features. Separate multiple bullets by new line. Do not include your own bullet characters.
- LandAreaLotSize - #,###.## in terms of SqFt or Acres
- LandAreaLotSizeUoM - SqFt | Acres
- BldgType - Multi-Tenant | Owner-User | Single Tenant (only commercial)
- Class - A | B | C (only commercial)
- AvailableParking - ## spaces per 1000 sqft (only commercial)
- HeatedSqFt* - ###,### (only residential)
- Garage - description of garage e.g., 2 Car. (only residential)
- Pool - description of pool e.g., In-Ground Caged. (only residential)
Data Enums...
Data enums are a list of the valid values. The lists below may not be completely accurate and up to date so, refer to the Dashboard - Listings - Post a new Listing page for the most current values.
- Commercial
- Residential
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