When posting a new property listing, the first thing you want to do is to choose either Commercial or Residential. Sure, you you can post both types on RealtyZapp but they are different when it comes to creating the listing.
At first, the Listing is in Draft mode meaning it will be displayed on RealtyZapp. After you have completed at least the minimum required information, you can switch the Listing to Live.
At the bottom of the page are a couple of floating buttons, Save and Exit. The Save button is disabled until you have completed the bare minimum information (property type, name/title and sale or lease). Then the property button becomes enabled. Click on the Save button as often as you want to save your work in progress. If you click on the Exit button you will leave the page so think of it like a discard my changes if you have not saved changes.
At the top of the page is a Show (eye) icon. Click this icon to see your listing in a preview popup. Note that the show icon is disabled if you have unsaved changes.
The listing page is divided into several sections, you can expand/collapse each section individually.
Required information is highlighted in red. The required information changes depending on your selections e.g. property type. Information validation rules may also cause a field to be red e.g. you cannot enter -999 in the Heated SqFt field, it must be > 0.
Just above the top section are some indicators (checkmark and x)...
As you change information, it may highlight blue just to show you that this information has been changed since the last save.
Keep your Listing in Draft mode until you are ready to make it Live (published). When ready, CHange it to something other than Draft or Deleted e.g. Live and it save it. You will then see indication that the listing is Published.
You can change a listing back to Draft or Deleted to un-Publish it. For example you may start out publishing a listing as Live. At some point in the future you may change it to Contract Pending and eventually to Sold. The listing will still be published and visible on RealtyZapp when in Contract Pending or Sold mode. At a later date, you may want to remove the listing from view on RealtyZapp. To do so, you just change the listing to Deleted mode and save it.
A listing in Deleted mode will not be removed from the RealtyZapp database for at least one year, even if you cancel your subscription affording you opportunity of reviving the listing.
In this section you provide not only the mode (status) but also other identifying information...
In this section you provide the property location and map information...
Too many fields to list them all here but know that the fields vary depending the property type, etc. Fill out as many as you can as this can only help your listing.
Again, the fields here vary based on property type, sale, lease, etc. If Sale is checked then you msut provide a Price. If Lease is checked then you must complete at least one space and provide the Lease Rate.
Sale Price can be $0.00 which will result the price being displayed as Market meaning market value or negotiable.
The use of spaces varies between Commercial and Residential, Sale or Lease, Property Type, etc. These all determine whether the listing warrants zero, one or more spaces. A space can represent the individual available spaces in a commercial building or a space can represent the units in a residential Tri-plex.
Each listing can have its own photo gallery. Photos really make a listing pop. It is worth it to make them as good as possible. There is no limit to how many photos but too many is too many. Each listing is required to have at least one photo. This, photo is use as the default thumbnail for the listing.
Uploading* photos is easy. Just make the promise and then drag-n-drop one or several photos into the drop area. You can also click the drop area to get the good ole file picker. The photos will be munched and when finished, they will appear in the list.
The first photo at the top of the list is the listing's default photo. You can re-arrange the images in the list using the up/down icons.
Photos will show up in 3 places: listing's photo gallery; agent profile's slideshow; default image thumbnail on the find page.
In the photos list, you will see a thumbnail preview of each photo and several other fields that you should complete so your listing really pops.
You can upload* one or more files as attachments to your listing. They are presented as links on your listing page that when clicked will download the file to your visitor. Pdf files are preferred but you can also attach MS Word, MS Excel and image files.
Please give each file attachment a Title and a short Description.
You can provide one or more Links on your listing page. The Link Url is the raw url you want to go to e.g. http://example.com/ whereas the Title is what is displayed e.g. "Example website". Optionally, you can provide a short Description. A Link could even be a link to something on RealtyZapp's website e.g. a related or similar property.
You can provide one or more Demographic records on your listing page. First, you can use the default 1 mi, 3 mi, 5 mi headers or you can provide your own. Click on the +New button to add a new record. Enter in a Characteristic and the Stats. All of the fields are text fields so, don't forget to provide prefixes, suffixes, and formatting e.g., $125,000.
If you are participating in any syndications, you may see a message at the top of the page indicating that this property in being syndicated. With some syndications, the property information is flowing from the "parent" system to RealtyZapp. If you make changes to the listing/property in the "parent" system, your changes will automatically flow to RealtyZapp. With a property that is being syndicated, it is recommended that you always go back to the "parent" system and make your changes and let the changes flow (syndicate) to RealtyZapp.
With syndicated properties, the listing may be automatically published (Live) even though one or more criteria are not met e.g. Required Fields. This is OK but know that you will not be able to make any additional changes to the Published listing in RealtyZapp unless you meet all the criteria. The Save button won't be enabled unless all criteria is met.
In the event you really want to make changes to a syndicated property in RealtyZapp, it is recommended that you first go back to the "parent" system and turn off syndication for that property. Then come back to RealtyZapp to post your property. Depending upon which syndication "parent" originated the property, the property record probably still exist in RealtyZapp but and it is just marked as Deleted or Draft. Keep in mind that the syndication process sometimes leaves behind several "Deleted" copies/versions of any particular property. Watch that you don't Publish more than one copy/version of a property.